Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Results!

     First off, thank you to so many friends for their kind emails and comments. It means a lot to hear from you!!!
     Dun, dun, duuuunnnnn... The Results... I found the results from the food panel were the most interesting, some surprising, some not. The foods I need to AVOID are:

Casein (dairy)
Cottage Cheese
Cow's Milk
Egg White
Egg Yolk
Gliadin (wheat)

I think the one that hit me the hardest on this list was eggs. Huh? Aren't eggs suppose to be a great protein and diet food??? I've gone dairy-free and wheat-free in the past, and felt a bit better, but it was good to find out they are "no-no's" for me! I thought garlic was a culprit of many tummyaches in the past, and now I know I wasn't making it up. Implementing all of these changes in one diet is going to be tough.

The foods I can have in MODERATION (once every 4 days) are:
Black Beans
Bleu Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Chili Powder
Kidney Beans
Mozzarella Cheese
Navy Beans
Triticale (hybrid of wheat and rye)

All other foods are fine. The naturopath said I need to try an egg-free Paleo diet. She wants me to 100% stick to this for 6 weeks to flush the bad stuff out, keep the good stuff in, and see how I feel. I found out my friend who had already done these tests was also intolerant of almonds. I'm so happy almonds and soy are not on my list!!! Those are regulars in my current diet.

The other interesting results from the test were that my cholesterol is good, but my triglycerides are high. I have low iron but am not anemic. I'm borderline low on a few vitamins, but nothing too bad, and adjustments in my food should take care of those. The other doozy result was my stress hormone, cortisol. It is more than 2 times the highest it should be. The naturopath immediately asked if I was stressed and I started to tear up. Me? Stressed??? Ha! :)  She suggested I start taking a pill to help with the stress, and I thought that was a great idea! The other result to be aware of was my sugar was too high - this didn't surprise me at all. I don't eat crap, but I also don't eat the good stuff.

So, after my appointment with the naturopath, I went to Whole Foods, and thought, "This will be easy, I'll just read some labels and make sure these ingredients aren't in them." Well, guess what??? Garlic is in everything! And if it doesn't have garlic, then it has eggs in it!!! YIKES!!! That was a quick and sobering reality check that this will be harder than I thought!!! I will now be preparing many of my meals at home. Garlic and eggs sneak their way into all kinds of foods!

The naturopath recommended a cookbook to help me on this journey:

And I found another book that should help with yummy snacks throughout the day:

She suggested I find 10 restaurants with "go to" items on their menus that I can order. Any suggestions here would be awesome. So far, I've come up with Thai food, Chipotle, and Aqui.

The day I received my results from the naturopath, I weighed myself that morning, and weighed more than I've ever weighed, other than when I was pregnant. I'm excited to start this journey and feel better on the outside, and more importantly, feel better on the inside. I've created my meal plan for the upcoming week and am ready to kick some bootie. I will be doing another blood test in a couple of months and am ready for some better results!!! I know my food intolerances won't go away, but my stress levels, sugar levels, and triglycerides should go down, and my vitamin levels should be in a better zone. I can't wait to share more with you!!!


  1. Oh man! I've so been there with the "sensitive to everything" results on the panel. Mine was eggs, all dairy, wheat, coffee, cranberries, pineapple, asparagus, broccoli, sesame seeds, and a bunch of other things. I stayed off all of it for 3 years and then retook the test and came back sensitive to 95% of the foods on the list. My ND said that meant for me it's systemic inflammation, not so much reactiveness to a certain food. I hope going off these foods for a while will send you in a positive direction! Wishing you well!

  2. I have done the autoimmune paleo and it worked for me. I hope you get the results you want and need. If you need any good suggestions on food or recipes let me know. Good luck! :-)

  3. I have done the autoimmune paleo and it worked for me. I hope you get the results you want and need. If you need any good suggestions on food or recipes let me know. Good luck! :-)

  4. I have done the autoimmune paleo and it worked for me. I hope you get the results you want and need. If you need any good suggestions on food or recipes let me know. Good luck! :-)
